Friday, July 29, 2016

Generation 1, Episode 2: New Baby!

So.... this happened.

Another girl! At this point, I decided that I wanted to name all of the first generation of kids with A names. So this baby I named Ali. :)

(I didn't get any screen captions when Aspen was a baby, so I rectified this with Ali!)

Nora is a great mommy!

Also, I didn't get any screen shots, but Aspen aged up into a child. (SORRY! I also missed Ali aging into a toddler, but from that point forward, I started taking screen captions!) Here is Aspen working on her skills :)

Since Ali was a toddler and didn't need as much attention as she did as a baby, Nora got to work on her books. She wanted to write a masterpiece, and decided to name it The Best Book Ever Written. (It was game generated and too awesome to change!) She stayed up all hours of the night to finish it.

Aspen got on the honor roll and excelled at school. (I forgot to tell you guys her traits. Sorry. But she is a genius, ambitious and friendly). Someday, she wants to be a world renown surgeon.

Before Nora realized, Aspen had a birthday and aged up into a teenager. She developed Nora's irresistible trait, and Nora knew it wouldn't be long before Aspen would have a boyfriend of her own.

Aspen is a pretty gorgeous teenager. Here is a closer shot of her. She's kind of a cute nerd. I love it :)

(At this point, I started taking a lot more screen captions, so the story gets a lot more interesting!!!)

Aspen started high school and as soon as she got home, she started working on her homework. Ali and Ethan were both reading a book :). Okay, well Ali was mostly looking at the pictures!

Nora was pretty much obsessed with finishing her masterpiece. She spent most of her awake time doing just this... sitting at the computer.

Aspen made a new friend at school, Titus Lavoie.

But no matter what, Aspen always made time for her baby sister. She loved Ali!

Guys, that's it for episode 2. I will leave you with screen captions from around their house in Sunset Valley. It's so beautiful! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Generation 1, Episode 1: Welcome to Sunset Valley

Meet Nora Styles.

If you can't tell from the pictures, she has bright blue eyes. She is a fairy. I realize the screen caption was taken at the wrong moment, but you can tell she has red wings. Here is a shot of her entire everyday outfit. (You'll be seeing the other outfits in the game play).

Nora is a bookwork, family oriented, neat, artistic and irresistible ;).

Nora was born and raised in Bridgeport. The town was overrun with vampires and eventually her own parents and younger sibling were killed. After the accident, Nora knew that she couldn't stay there. She eventually wanted a family of her own someday. She had inherited a huge chunk of land from her grandparents in Sunset Valley, so she decided to leave Bridgeport. With only $1,800, she decided to just go for it.

The first few weeks were really fought for Nora. She had an uncomfortable bed, no shower, no stove. She had a mini fridge, but she could barely afford to keep it stocked.

One day, while at the park, she saw somebody walk away from an untouched cheeseburger. She couldn't help herself. She was starved...

At night time, Nora would sneak into the local gym to take a shower, since she couldn't afford a shower of her own.

Everyday, Nora would go to the library and spend her days writing. She started publishing books. It wasn't much, but her dream was to become a full time author. She wanted to make at least 4k simoleons a week in royalties. Then she would be set.

Eventually, Nora was able to upgrade her house. It was a slow process. But eventually she was able to afford wallpaper, a better bed and a computer. No more library trips for her! Though, she would miss the smell of books.

This really started to look up when Nora met Parker. She knew that she wanted to start a family one day, and she just knew that Parker was the one. They shared their first kiss at the festival. It truly was a whirlwind romance.

But then Nora met Ethan.

Nora and Ethan had an instant connection. One that she never share with Parker. She knew then that she had to break things off with Parker. He didn't take it well. She lost her friendship with him, but she didn't care. Ethan was it for her. Their relationship developed quickly, and before she knew it, Nora was married.

Nora spent her time writing, while Ethan worked on improving his charisma. He wanted to someday be leader of the free world, and Nora knew that he would make the world a better place. Eventually, Nora completed her lifetime wish. In fact, she succeeded it. They were able to add onto their house.

Before long, Nora and Ethan knew it was time to start a family of their own. They had a beautiful baby girl that they named Aspen.

Aspen has her mom's shade of blonde hair. And she has black eyes, though I'm not sure where they come from. Both mom and dad have blue eyes. But Nora couldn't be happier.

Will Aspen be the heir to the Styles family? Or will there be more babies?