Monday, August 1, 2016

Generation 1, Episode 3: Birthdays, Writing and College Prep

Ali, from births, has been artistic and a genius, but as a toddler, she really took an interest in the xylophone. We might have our first musician in the family!

Aspen, being the overachiever she was, couldn't wait another minute to take her ACTs. She did pretty good. She got a partial scholarship, which she is pretty happy about.

Nora is close to finishing her masterpiece, which is good. She needs sleep.

But she, and the whole family, did take a few minutes to celebrate Ali's BIRTHDAY! I can't believe it! She's a child now! Nobody was surprised when she got the virtuoso trait!

Ali realized for the first time that she didn't have wings like her mom and older sister. She was a human, like her dad. This disappointed Ali, so she begged her mom to make her a fairy. Nora knew that Ali was old enough to make her own decision, so she bought her the potion. Ali was excited to find that her wings were red, like her mom and sister. They were a different shape, but she couldn't be happier.

Nora and Ethan have no idea where she got her purple eyes or brown hair from, but they think she is gorgeous.

Ali started working on her skills right away. She wasn't sure exactly what she wanted... but really, she wanted to do it all. She was very artistic. Maybe she would write, paint, and play the guitar.

I'm ending this episode with another birthday. Ethan aged up into an adult. Since he's a human, he ages much fast than Nora.

Ali walks down in the middle of the action.
"What weirdos," she thinks to herself.

Ha... I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Next episode, there is PROM, a midlife crisis, and possibly a new pregnancy ;) But you didn't hear it from me!